Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16: Awkward Conversation

Earlier tonight, Bryan, Parker, Ryan, and I performed an Improvables remote show for one of the Centerville YSA ward's FHE events. The last game of the evening was "Awkward Conversation," a game that only our troupe plays - which I had seen before but in which I had not previously participated. In the game, we take turns having a nose-to-nose conversation, trying to get the other person to laugh or to break character. If that happens, that person then has to rotate to the back of the line. The objective is to stay in "the middle" for as long as possible.
Awkward conversations - in a singles ward? That's a stretch.
I was a split-second too late with this photo, which shows Ryan right after getting out against Parker and moving to the back of the line.

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