In an unfortunate exchange of words with a friend last night, I said some mean things - and I'm never mean. At least, not on purpose I'm not.
Do you ever feel like you've become the worst version of yourself? On second thought, that sounds like a line from You've Got Mail. Regardless of its origin, I feel that it applies here.

The people who I have found to be my lifelong friends over the years are not necessarily those I have always gotten along with 100 percent of the time but those whom I've learned to forgive and who have forgiven me when misunderstandings have arisen, as they are wont to do time to time.
On the contrary, I have found that fair-weather friends or the friendships that don't last are the ones that end when any kind of misunderstanding at all leads to their permanent demise, or your friendship is no longer "convenient" for them any more, or what amount to any other number of unimportant reasons.
So, thank you to all those who have cared for me enough to forgive me for my mistakes over the years - I've tried to do the same for you. I hope the friend in question will be my friend again.
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