What is the "McNuggets Challenge"? you ask?
Dave Chabries, a former Millstreamer and a mutual friend of mine and Ryan's, came up with the idea for the McNuggets Challenge. The other day, he purchased 50 McDonald's Chicken Nuggets (their current promotion is 50 McNuggets for $9.99) and consumed all 50 within 14 minutes.
Well, following today's Improvables workshop at the theater, Ryan suggested giving the challenge a try and invited any who wanted to participate to do so. Taylor and I were the only takers. What possessed us to do this? It's all in the Y chromosome, says I - one of those dumb things that boys do because they feel the need to. As it turns out, Brian and Matt, who witnessed the event but did not participate, were wise beyond their years in choosing to abstain.
At the outset, it seemed like a great idea. Here is the "before" picture of me, Ryan, and Taylor:

Notice that we are smiling. Also, notice the 150 Chicken McNuggets piled up on the table as well as the various sauces and dips.

Breaking Dave's record of downing 50 McNuggets in 14 minutes not only seemed like a fun idea, it initially appeared to be rather easy. The McNuggets were served in five containers of 10 McNuggets each; getting through the first couple of boxes was, indeed, not difficult at all.
After that, things slowed down in a hurry. By the time we reached our respective third boxes, it quickly became apparent that we had little-to-no chance left of besting Dave's mark in 14 minutes. Not only that, it also became very apparent that we would be lucky to reach 50 McNuggets at all. In time, the voices around me began to turn into the nonsensical trombone notes of the adults in Charlie Brown's world. The more I ate, the harder it became and the more my head started to spin. It was the oddest feeling of being "full" I have ever had in my life - and I have four years' experience living and eating in Latin America to back that up.
In time, Taylor rushed to the McDonald's bathroom to throw up and got within three feet (by his estimate; I wasn't about to see for myself) of the bathroom sink. Ryan also later threw up when we arrived back at the Rodgers parking lot. All told, I finished 44 McNuggets, and both Ryan and Taylor were not far behind with close to 40 apiece.
Here's the "after" picture:

Notice that we are no longer smiling.
Before today, it had been at least five or six years since I had last eaten a Chicken McNugget, and I guess I had forgotten that I am not really a fan of them. After today, if I never eat another Chicken McNugget again, it'll be too soon.
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