We made, for lack of a better term, UFOs and sent them flying high into the nighttime sky.
Following a spiritual thought by Bro. Galloway, we divided up into teams of two. Using X-Acto knives, balsa wood, glue guns, candles, thread, and plastic bags, we proceeded to construct our aircrafts. They were essentially micro-versions of hot-air balloons, powered by candles - really. Bro. Galloway had previously taught his Scouts how do to this, and we were no less enthusiastic than they were about the idea.

Here's how Amanda's and my UFO ended up looking:

Upon completing construction, we ventured out into the cold February air to light our UFOs and to send them up into the air.

This brought out the nerd, pyromaniac, and especially little kid in us all. And I wouldn't have it any other way. It was amazing how far and high some of the vessels traveled before crashing back down to the Earth, Hindenburg style. This one, in particular, went (we estimated) 300 or more feet in height:

Good times were had by all.
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