Flash forward to this week, and it appears that the "Animaniacs" DVDs have been a hit with both Dave's and Mike's families. Evidence of this: At yesterday's family get-together on New Year's Day, my nieces Jenna and McKenna created their own "Good Idea/Bad Idea" theatrical presentation.

Jenna and McKenna, both six years old and only two months apart in age, are more like identical sisters than cousins even though they spent their first few years on this planet on opposite sides of the country - Utah and Florida, respectively. They really didn't get to know each other well until Mike and his family moved back to Utah in the summer of 2007, and since then, they have been like best friends.
Some people, in fact, mistake Jenna and McKenna for sisters because of their rhyming names. (I'm told by their respective parents that this is also a coincidence.) Each girl also began referring to herself as Nenna before she could learn to pronounce her own name.

At any rate, the Nennas' "Good Idea/Bad Idea" show was quite clever, and it was also a big hit. It went something like this:
Kenna: Good idea - riding on the back of a horse.
Jenna: Bad idea - a horse riding on top of you.
Kenna: Good idea - going swimming on a summer's day.
Jenna: Bad idea - going swimming on a winter's day.
Drawings were included along with their good and bad ideas to illustrate their points.
I'm glad that "Animaniacs" has found fans in a new generation of people. Thanks for the great show, Nennas.
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