These words from the hymn "Lord, I Would Follow Thee" ran through my head earlier today as I sat listening to one of the sisters in my ward speak to the boys in elders quorum.

Yes, you read that correctly - a person of the female gender in elders quorum.
For today's lesson about home teaching, she had been invited to come and speak about the support and comfort that her home teachers have provided her over the past several months while she has been fighting an unjust dismissal and a sexual harassment suit that came about as a result of some unfortunate incidents that occurred at her workplace last year.
I sat in awe as I listened to her recount this story, mainly because this is an individual I have known for several years, and I previously had absolutely no idea that she was dealing with anything remotely close to these kinds of difficulties in her life.
"In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can't see."Isn't that the truth? Today's meeting was an important reminder to me that there are people all around us who are struggling with problems we cannot even fathom, and that's why it is so important that we treat others with kindness as much as we are capable of doing so.
A little late on the commenting, I know.
This post struck me as something that I myself can work on. I think so many times we view others as having things "better" or "easier" and often times, they may be the one's struggling the most.
I really like the message of that line that we all have feelings in teh quiet heart, and only He is the one that is truly aware of them.
I agree, Jill. Thanks for your comment.
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