Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 197: Ladderball

I just learned that one of my favorite summertime games, often played at family gatherings in and around July, has a name: Ladderball. It's the one in which you thow two golf balls, attached by rope, around a makeshift ladder (my cousin Scott made one out of PVC pipes) and try to hook them around one of three rungs to score 1, 2, or 3 points at a time, depending on the rung.

I also recently learned that I'm not at good as this game as I thought I was. My 12-year-old nephew Dallin challenged me to a game at our family gathering in Lehi on Independence Day - and beat me. Either my skills aren't that great, or the Force is truly getting strong with this one.

Incidentally, after I took the above picture, Dallin cried foul because of the flash, and I granted him a re-throw; he proceeded to hook a ball on the top rung and scored three points.

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