Following last Wednesday's parade in Centerville, I swung by Carl's Jr. for breakfast (Steve once recommended their Monster Biscuit to me, and I've been hooked ever since). On my way out, I ran into these three kids, accompanied by their dad:
Why were they dressed up as Spider-Man? you ask? Carl's Jr. ran a promotion on the Fourth, as they are sponsors of the new Spider-Man film, advertising that anyone entering wearing a Spider-Man costume was entitled to a free hamburger.
That's a pretty good deal, really. This is coming from someone who, when he was a toddler, used to dress up as Superman frequently, embarrassing my poor mother on more than one occasion.
Incidentally, I asked the kids' dad for permission before taking the picture. The man certainly has my respect. I definitely want to be the kind of dad who dresses up my kids as superheroes and then takes them out to eat.
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