I personally know a handful of women who, for some reason, claim this musical as their F.M.E.W.T.I.N.T.W. (Favorite Musical Ever Written That Is Not Titled Wicked). This fact and the appeal of both country music and the Twilight movies are three mysteries that will never, ever be solved for me in this lifetime.
At any rate, I promised Ben that I would come to see his show with an open mind, even though I once saw the movie version of Seven Brides a few years ago and wanted to shoot staples into my eyes by the time it was over.
Ben played the second-oldest Pontipee brother, Benjamin. Go figure!
As you can see in the below picture, deftly pilfered from Facebook (I forgot to bring my own camera to the performance - oops!), this role required Ben to not only act, sing, and dance but also to learn several circus-worthy acrobatic maneuvers.

Some other random observations from the performance:
- Dancing with blankets and axes never seemed so possible.
- Adam and Milly meet, get engaged, and marry so quickly that you'd think they were BYU students. (rim shot)
- In the sequence when the girls are kidnapped and the townspeople are out looking for them, a helicopter happened to fly above and past the ampitheater. At first, I honestly thought it had been scripted to happen that way. Even so, it was pretty cool!
- On that note, one of the women who is kidnapped - Benjamin's love interest, in fact - is named Dorcas. If your parents had named you Dorcas, you wouldn't object to being kidnapped and carried away to become a wife; you would, in fact, wish for it, if you catch my drift.
- The song "Bless Your Beautiful Hide" must have been the "Baby Got Back" of the '50s.
- The moral of the story, as far as I understood it, is that women will eventually respond positively to being kidnapped.
Well, that's what I got out of it, anyway.
Sure you comment about Ben's show...
I'm gettin' there! A "Music Man" review is coming up shortly. . . .
Wish we could have seen it!
Both plays were excelent!
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