Sophomore slump, for those who are not familiar with it, is a sports term for a rough patch many athletes experience early on in their careers.
So, what does that have to do with the Epistle? It's not necessarily a case of writer's block, although that has been a bit of a difficulty for me lately; it's just that I don't want to be blogging for the sake of blogging but to share things that people actually might want to read.
Does that makes sense?

So, I open the matter to you, my loyal readers (all four of you!): What would you like to see more of on the Epistle of Jon? What would you like to see less of? Do you not care one way or the other?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I like they way you are doing things. Keep up the good work.
The way I see it, blogs aren't really for the people reading. (If they were, I'd be really depressed by my total of 2.. heh..) They are for the person writing. To express the things you need to just get out into the open. Your thoughts, things that happened and things you want to keep some sort of record of. If you feel like writing every day, and can come up with things to write about that often, great. If not, well, then your write when you feel like it, or have the time or something you just have to share happens. True, that sometimes means you go days, weeks, or even a month or two between blogs (like I tend to sometimes) but that happens too. Life sometimes gets in the way, or is so dull and boring and normal that you don't feel like bothering.
I love hearing about your adventures and trials and the things going on with the comedy group and things in general. But then, I was also reading classical literature (I'm talking Ivanhoe, Hamlet, the Illyad and the Odyssey, Tale of two cities and such) for fun when I was 11, so there ya go... :)
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