Don't get me wrong. Cell phones are good things. I have one myself. It's practically an antique. It makes and takes phone calls . . . and that's about it. Maybe I'll take it on "Antiques Roadshow" one of these days and see what it's worth.
I know, I know. I'm living in the Dark Ages.
Nowadays, it seems that people are no longer content to have phones that simply make and take calls. There are phones that take photographs and video, have Internet access, have full-size keyboards for texting, and perform X-ray exams.
Okay, I was kidding about that last one. Probably.
I wouldn't be surprised if we were to soon see cell phones that have (or claim to have) the capacity to perform lie-detector tests, brew coffee, file tax returns, remote-detonate mines, conduct exploratory surgery, and so forth.
Like I said, cell phones can do a lot of great things. My problem with them is when they start to mean more to people than other people mean to people.

Just the other day, someone who was talking on a cell phone while driving performed a spectacular feat, cutting me off twice in a three-block radius.
I also had a date not all that long ago during which my date, who shall remain nameless, spent a large portion of the evening paying attention to her cell phone rather than to me. I don't consider too many things to be deal breakers on a date, but that is definitely one of them.
So, what are your thoughts? opinions?
If you text them to me, I'll break your arm.
Just kidding. Probably.
I don't mind getting a text now and then to tell me something, but I really can't stand having a text conversation with somebody. First of all, it takes about 3 hours to say as much as a 2 minute face to face conversation, and most of the time it isn't as satisfying because most of the texts are "OK" or "good" or something.
And I completely agree with it being a deal breaker on a date or just with friends.
I once dated a guy who would take phone calls at the movies. But then again, maybe we never actually dated, it may depend on which party you asked.
I think cell phones ought to be used in cars in case of emergency only.
I'm not that far ahead of you Jon.. I've got one, and it comes in handy.. Have had it for a few years, and up here it's a good thing to have on ya in case of car trouble and the like on those long stretches of nothing.. We upgraded 2 years ago to phones that had text abilities, and were actually supposed to offer a walkie talkie type option (but turns out that bit is not available in Alaska...) That was pretty much only because hubby was working up on the north slope oil fields for weeks at a time and it was nice to be able to send a quick "i love you" text note at any time of the day.. and now that he's on deployment, it will really be nice. His phone won't work where he's going, but he can pop online and either just im me, or he can send me a text if i'm away from home
(and now the step kids all have phones and they occasionally text us or we them..
we have vowed to hold out and avoid anything more complex for as long as we can still find phones being offered to us that do keep it simple.. we have cameras already, and laptops are getting small enough to fit in your pocket and still have better options then a phone for internet.. so we're just perfectly happy just having a phone - and maybe some texting abilities
long live the technilogical hold outs!!
I agree about the date thing. THAT was totally rude. I sometimes don't answer my phone but that's probably because of my phone phobia problem.
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