1. When I was just three weeks old, my older brother, Mike, hit me over the head with a wooden mallet. That should explain a lot.
2. I would rather have a pet rock than a pet fish. Above all other pets, I love dogs. Unlike humans, they have never said a cross word to me. My golden retriever, Rolley - who died last year at the age of 14 - was one of my best friends, and I still think about her and miss her most every day.

3. According to imdb.com, I have seen and rated over 4,400 TV episodes, movies, and video games. Yes, I have a lot of spare time on my hands.
4. I have been tested for allergies and have learned that I am allergic to about a third of the things floating around in Utah's air.
5. Though I have not come close to scoring a perfect 300 in bowling, I (according to my instructor) achieved the first perfect score - 25 out of 25 - on the written test final for my bowling class at the University of Utah.
6. Though I have never been a great basketball player, I am proud of a few accomplishments. For example, I once hit an estimated 75-foot shot to beat the buzzer in a church basketball game. My career high in a game is 14 points. I once grabbed 10 rebounds in a five-minute stretch of a game. I wear jersey number 31, when possible, because it was the same number worn by Utah Jazz player Adam Keefe, whose hustle play I admired a lot.
7. Though I have participated in all kinds of theater and have done a lot of public speaking, I was once in speech therapy, because I couldn't talk well.
8. I once sang a solo at an Institute choir concert, and, for my own sake and my audience's, I will never do it again. I also once won a karaoke contest by singing Elvis Presley's "(Let Me Be) Your Teddy Bear."
9. I taught myself to play the zampoƱa (pan flute), which I picked up in Peru, and, with it, played a duet of Simon & Garfunkel's 'El Condor Pasa (If I Could)" at a ward talent show. Ben backed me up on the guitar.
10. In the third grade, I played the black child in my school play, "The Safety Kids."
11. I am afraid of heights, marionettes, clowns, haunted houses, and the number 26.
12. There are 15 days' worth of MP3s on my computer.

13. I still have a box full of Garbage Pail Kids cards, but I doubt they're worth the paper on which they are printed.
14. In 2009, I will receive credit for co-authoring a book.
15. If I were a superhero, my "kryptonite" would be talking to girls on the telephone.
16. I have lived through multiple earthquakes, a hurricane, and a flood. I was out of the country when the Salt Lake tornado went through downtown SLC and next to my workplace, or I would have lived through that, too.
17. My two favorite NBA teams are the Utah Jazz and whoever plays the Los Angeles Lakers.
18. I have never been pulled over by a cop, let alone been given a ticket.
19. I may very well have met one of the Three Nephites in the middle of nowhere near Island Park, Idaho, when I was 15.
20. I once flew all the way to Georgia just to attend a "Weird Al" Yankovic concert with Clayton. It was worth it.
21. I have been cast in four TV commercials.
22. I have to use my thumb and pinky to be able to snap my fingers. I can't do it any other way.
23. I saw Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace seven times and Jurassic Park four times in theaters. Yes, I'm a nerd.

24. I once volunteered at an elementary school and taught a classroom full of sixth graders to dance the disco hustle.
25. Though I have never dyed my hair, I have had red, blond, and brown (auburn?) hair.
Two things:
-Is the disco hustle on the agenda for the Groundhogs Day party tonight?
-What book did you co-author?
How random... (isn't that the best word?!)
1. That's okay- I was dropped on my head when I was only a few weeks old too. At least that's what I'm told anyway.
2. I'd rather have a pet rock too, mostly because I'm allergic to most furry pets, and I don't really want to take care of any reptilian type pets.
3. According to google, I am apparently a schenky (sp?) Las Vegas model. Oh wait, my name is spelled different- whew!
4. which ones
5. I can usually do pretty well with bowling as long as I have those bumper pad things :)
6. Although I'm not a professional air hockey player, I can beat Jen sometimes :)
7. Even though I'm an OT, I have serious issues that should have been addressed by an OT, although I have been in to see PT for my spasticness.
8. I once got the guts up to try out for a solo
9. Our ward talent shows usually consisted of lip sync
10. In the 6th grade I played a spanish speaking girl in K-mart in our yearly spanish play
11. I am also afraid of heights, but still a thrill seeker. Very oxy-moron-ish.
12. I'm still working on the MP3 thing....
13. I never was much into the garbage pail kids, but I do still have my charm necklace from elementary school.
14. which book?
15. My kryptonite would would be.. wait, I'm not telling you my weakness! Are you kidding?!
16. I lived through a really big snow storm a couple of times :)
17. NBA teams... I know of the Jazz..
18. You've really never been pulled over or gotten a ticket? WOW!
19. Tell me more...
20. I would fly most anywhere to see Garth Brooks
21. I have watched a couple of your TV commercials- fantastic!
22. How do you do that?
23. I've seen Twilight twice and hope to go again...
24. I volunteered at a school to tutor with reading- (I didn't survive the dancing I was taught the first time, let alone teach it- Yikes!)
25. I've had blonde, orange, gray, and blah :)
The book is going to published later on in the year. It will consist of over 100 items I have researched and written about for a work project and will be used for educational purposes.
On #19: Suffice to say that some friends and I were lost on a bike trail in the middle of nowhere. This friendly gentleman appeared out of nowhere, likewise, and gave directions to help us find our way back to the rest of the group. Then, he disappeared.
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