Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 305: Trick-or-Treating 2012

The big day (Halloween) finally came today, and the kids were very excited, to put it mildly, to dress up in their costumes and to go out trick-or-treating earlier tonight. When I say "kids," of course, I include myself among that group, because Halloween is one of those holidays that certainly brings out the kid in me - which is really not that difficult of a task.

At any rate, I again dressed up as Bane, Batman's nemesis in the summer blockbuster The Dark Knight Rises, while Kylee (zombie), McKenna (ghost), Dallin (Boy Scout who has been attacked by a bear - pretty clever, really), and Jackson (Batman), along with one of the kids' cousins, joined me in this group photo out front, as well as some closeups of their costumes:

Since Jackson and I were characters from the same movie franchise, we took a few other photos together . . . and I was more than happy to let Batman triumph again in a mock fistfight:

And so, the post-Halloween doldrums may set in once again tomorrow morning, but at least for the next few minutes, it's still Halloween. I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday.

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