Biz and Jeff gathered a group of family and friends to attend this audition, which took place as the Jazz vs. Clippers game (a road game) was being shown on the big screen at one of the theaters. I was not able to attend this shindig, but from what I hear it was a lot of fun. In fact, Biz and Jeff were both chosen as Jazz Rowdies.
This is my same sister who - flash back to a just a few, short years ago - once called basketball "a pointless game" and said that it was nothing more than "people running up and down the court, doing the same thing over and over again."
I'm paraphrasing, because I don't remember her exact words, but those were essentially the ideas she conveyed. Well, that was before she began dating Jeff, who is now her husband, and these days Biz is a true-blue Jazz fan. Just look at her go:

Biz, Jeff, and the other Jazz Rowdies, according to my understanding, were awarded lower-bowl tickets to eight home games for the remainder of the NBA season, and they will be counted on to provide much-needed energy and support to the Jazz in those games.
In the process, they may also annoy a few of the fans sitting next to or around them. Well, I guess you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
Go Jazz!
Thanks Jon.... How long ago did I say that? Twelve years ago?
Around 2005 or 2006, by my recollection. Search your feelings; you know it to be true.
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