By now, those of you who have followed this blog for any length of time may have noticed that I will often share my opinions on a wide variety of subjects. If, in the process of doing so, I have offended anyone at any time, I hope that you will forgive me.
It has never been my intention to offend anyone on The Epistle; rather, my intention has always been (1) to tell you what's really going on in my life, without a lot of the sugar coating; (2) to share things that I have learned; (3) to share things that I am involved in creatively; (4) or to foster further reflection and/or discussion.

There are many types of blogs floating around cyberspace, and each serves a different purpose. I follow many of my family's and friend's blogs in addition to running one of my own, and I have learned many things from them all. There are also some blogs that come across as being like cotton candy to me - they look and "taste" good, but there is little real substance to them.
I don't want The Epistle to be like cotton candy; I want it to show all of the sides of my personality, including my joys, my successes, my hobbies, my likes, and the things that make me happy as well as the things that sadden, frustrate, annoy, and challenge me. In other words: warts and all.
What it all boils down to, I suppose, is that I don't like doing things half-heartedly. If I commit myself to doing something, I try to give 100 percent of my efforts and abilities to it.
I'm curious. What do you consider "substance," and what elements do you consider bagatelle? And does this reflect on your analyses of literature generally?
I'm curious as well. What does "bagatelle" mean? I'm not sure I can respond to your question until I figure out what that is.
"Bagatelle" means trifle or that which is trifling; Something moderately amusing and almost totally lacking in substance.
It's a little difficult to put into only a few words, but basically I find that the things of little substance are that which amount to "rah-rah" cheerleading, saying a lot of things while really saying very little - if that makes sense.
You mean blog entries that are more like a "yay for this" without digging into the ideas behind it?
Yes, that is correct.
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