This tune is based on the text of Psalm 23 in the Old Testament - the same psalm upon which the hymn "The Lord Is My Shepherd" is based. I'm not really sure who wrote "Brother James' Air," though I would venture to guess that it was someone named "James." However, a few conspiracy theorists in the choir and I agreed that it must have been written by Yoda.

Yes, that Yoda - the wise old green Jedi master and Muppet from the Star Wars movies.
The reason? The lyrics are filled with the type of backwards-speak so prevalent in Yoda's dialogue. Consider, for example, phrases such as "He makes me down to lie in pastures green," "And me to walk doth make," and "My head thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows."
Am I complaining? Not at all. In fact, I'm lobbying for us to make the Ewoks' victory song from Return of the Jedi our next number. Several Primary songs have been based on less than that.
It's called "Syntactic Inversion."
The first example is of french syntax, with the adjective following the noun. The second is German, with the prepositional, adverbial, or participial phrase preceding rather than following the main verb.
Wow. How deep did your choir director have to dig to find this piece? The Yoda thing is funny, but I can't figure out what you've got against Primary songs. Which one seems frivolous?
Thanks for the additional info., Ondine.
I honestly have nothing against Primary songs. I was merely trying to point out that some of them are based on things such as apricot trees/popcorn.
OK, I get it now--popcorn trees, snowmen, etc. Makes sense.
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