While the flowers were being passed out, I sat talking with a couple of friends. I made the observation that while the sisters were always given flowers on Mothers' Day, the brethren of the congregation were always given, well, jack squat on Fathers' Day. Both friends agreed with this assessment, while one added that if we were to be given anything at all, it most likely would be yet another lecture on how badly we, the brethren, are doing at dating, which is what the issue always seems to boil down to when it comes to the subject of dating.

The sisters passed out gifts to the brethren (and, presumably, future fathers) in the congregation. Our booty: candy bars, which are really the male equivalent of (or superior to, depending on whom you ask) flowers for many of the boys I know. I will admit freely that this nice gesture was a pleasant surprise.
Many guys still subscribe to theory that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and I am one of them.
1 comment:
You're welcome! I'm glad we could prove you wrong and show that girls appreciate boys sometimes, we don't always complain. :)
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