Okay, so "four corners of the globe" is just a figure of speech; Africa, Antarctica, and Australia were seriously underrepresented, in that there were no foods at all from any of those continents. (My first taste of Vegemite will have to come another day.) Nevertheless, the Asian, European, North American, and South American stuff was great.
Peru was a well-represented country on this evening, given that Katea (arroz con leche), Bro. Lindley (Inca Kola and papa a la Huancaína), and yours truly (panetón) all brought samples of comida criolla. The papa a la Huancaína was particularly well prepared and was something I had not eaten for quite some time.

Among the other dishes I tried for the first time were Bishop Lake's French crépes, Cecily's Greek baklava, Kurtis's Chilean hot dogs (smothered in guacamole and sour cream), Nadine's Danish stew (a possible staple in my ancestors' diet?), Sieben's Jamaican chicken, and Zak's Russian pancakes. The United States was even represented by Bro. Galloway's delicious Dutch oven barbecue chicken. (So, come to think of it, it may have actually been a dish from the Netherlands. Whatever.)
Good times - and good food - were had by all.
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