Much ado had been made about this film, at least from local sources, due to a supposedly scandalous scene in which Daniel Radcliffe was to allegedly show his bare bottom to the camera - or so some of us were told. Fortunately, no such scene appeared in the movie, and our freakin' eyes have been saved for another day.
As one who is really not as much into Harry Potter as the rest of my siblings, I will say that, if anything, my only possible complaint about the film, like the others, is that it is too long. And there is a laugh-out-loud unintentionally funny scene in which Harry and Hermione begin to dance, for no apparent reason.

Once again, Dumbledore's Army, or the nerd patrol - or whatever you call these non-Muggles - came out in full force to support the cause of their favorite fantasy franchise, and several of them dressed up as their favorite characters from the series. They kinda put the Star Wars fans to shame with their enthusiasm - some of them.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1, was surprisingly good and, I must say, the best film in the franchise, to date, that I have seen.
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