Okay, so I may have overexaggerated things a bit. I meant to use the term yahoos, not yokels.
Every year, we do all of the planning, preparing, cooking, serving, cleaning, and often entertaining for this banquet, and it is quite often a thankless job. Nevertheless, when I say "we," I cannot necessarily include myself among that group, having missed helping out at the past few seniors' banquets. Still, I signed up to help out this time around and showed up at the stake center to do whatever I was needed to do.
The theme for this year's seniors' banquet was a luau, and so we were invited to attend wearing Hawaiian attire. The food mainly consisted of Hawaiian haystacks, and the entertainment, provided by Tina and two of her friends, involved a lot of hula-ing, as well as getting the seniors to join in on a hula lesson toward the end of the presentation.

I was assigned to help cut up and serve the upside-down pineapple cake for dessert. And a surprising thing happened: I found myself having a good time. Throughout the remainder of the evening, I also cleared dishes and tables, swept floors, and put away chairs.
I suppose the old adage is true: Doing just about anything can be enjoyable as long as you're surrounded by good company, and such is always the case with the peeps in my ward.
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