Many friends and most of my Utah-based extended family gathered for this event, and - of course! - good times were had by all.
Claudia captured this picture of part of the motley crew at lunch, in which I look like I'm trying to make some sort of weird face, but I'm really not:

Here's one of the proud graduates, Eden - I'm not sure if the other one stopped for pictures at all during the day - next to his graduation cake:

I love this picture of Luke and Jenna - especially Luke's pose, if you can call it that - chowing down on the cake:

Today also marks Madison's 11th birthday, so we sang "Happy Birthday" to both her and her older sister Ashlyne, whose 15th birthday falls in just a few more days (June 2).
In addition to eating, we partook in a few other activities at this party. While much of the gang played a rough-and-tumble game of flag football, Dave and I hung out with some of the kids at the adjoining playground behind Scott and Claudia's backyard.

Kenna picked me some flowers from the field and presented them in a makeshift bouquet:

Perhaps my favorite moment of the afternoon occurred when a boy called Scott and Claudia's home, asking to speak with their 13-year-old daughter, Meikayla. Scott then picked up the phone and said (I'm paraphrasing, but this is pretty close): "She’s 13 years old; call back in three years," and then he hung up. It was hilarious.
All in all, it was a fun afternoon spent with the fam damly.
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