If my recommendation is worth anything, Nicholls Park is a nice little spot for this type of event. Until today, I didn't really know that it existed, even though I had previously passed it many times going either north or south on Highway 89.
At any rate, picnics, of course, involve a lot of food, and Jackson put a lot of it both in his mouth and on his face:
Jenna, Mike, and the others enjoyed some watermelon, carrots, pizza (now what would a picnic be like without that?), and the like:
Following lunch, a large group of us played "Cuub," a game that Mike's friend Jason introduced to us a few years ago and which has since become a staple at many of our summertime family gatherings. The rules of "Cuub" are kind of difficult to explain, but they involve throwing a set number of wooden sticks (eight per team) to knock over a certain number of wooden blocks from a certain distance away. (Everybody got that?) Here, Luke and Ben help to get the game set up:
In the first round, Ben, Steve, Biz, and I were matched up against Mom, Dad, Mike, and Dave.
There may be no fiercer competitor in my family than my mom when she really gets into the game, but somehow my team barely escaped with a victory. (If you're in my family, and you don't quite remember things happening that way, then start your own blog.)
In the meantime, Jackson played catch with a Frisbee, with varying degrees of success:
Jenna and Kenna played around in the water and near the communal drinking fountain:
At one point, Jackson got into trouble for clocking his older brother, Dallin, upside the head with one of the "Cuub" sticks, which made Dallin, as you might imagine, rather upset. However, after Jackson has finished paying his penance in timeout, his dad went over to sit next to him and to let him know that all was forgiven (I love these pics):
It was a fun-packed day spent with the fam damly, and I look forward to more of the same over the course of the rest of the summer.