We kicked off the show with all of the members of the troupe in attendance coming out on the stage to dance to a portion of Michael Jackson's "Thriller." Under the red lights, and without red-eye reduction, I think we looked rather creepy indeed:
It was fun to learn the "Thriller" dance; it also required a lot of work and a lot of rehearsing.
As for the show itself, I think it was one of the better and more enjoyable ones I have been lucky enough to take part in. The place was packed with many enthusiastic and regular attendees as well as a few new faces.
We introduced three new games, including "Campfire Tale," "Movie Pitch Meeting" (an Improvables original!), and "Oxygen Deprivation," which has long been one of my favorite Improv games.
Ian, Parker, and I were soaked after playing "Oxygen Deprivation," as was the stage, but that is the price you pay for Improv at its finest.
Among the other games, we also played another one of my favorites, "Greatest Hits," during which we make up songs on the spot. The theme for this "Greatest Hits" was trick-or-treating.
A handful of those in attendance dressed up for the costume contest. The audience favorite was the guy in the white shirt, wearing the fanny pack:
After the show, several members of the Improvables dressed up in their own Halloween costumes: Scott (Arthur Dent, from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, including the Babel Fish in his ear); Parker (Little Mac, from Nintendo's Punch-Out); Bryan (the Riddler); Johnny (King Leonidas, from 300); Keenan (the creepy-looking one with the bag on his head, a costume which he claims is based on some Cartoon Network program); and easily my favorite costume of the evening, Ryan (Hello Kitty Darth Vader).
And it ain't over yet! Today is Halloween, the Big Day itself. I am looking forward to even-more festivities here in the next little while.