What in the heck is a passion bucket? you ask? Sure beats me! I know that they have something to do with passion, buckets, and something that Dan Patrick talks about on his sports talk radio show for the unemployable and angry loners.
Passion Buckets is also, apparently, the name of the double-quartet barbershop group to which I now belong. Huzzah!
It all began last week, when my brother Steve sent me an e-mail (this is how we communicate in the Plowman family) asking if I would be interested in forming a group to try out for singing the national anthem at a Utah Jazz home game this season.

Steve and a handful of his friends successfully accomplished this feat back when he was a senior in high school, so he felt that our chances were good of being able to do the same.
True story: Steve and his friends chose the name Morbidly Obese for their group. Dan Roberts, Jazz P.A. announcer, refused to repeat this name over his microphone and instead introduced the gang as the generic (albeit more respectful) Steve Plowman's Group.
Well, to make a long story even longer, Steve; our other three brothers, Mike, Dave, and Ben; my brother-in-law, Jeff; Steve's friends Dallin and John; and I assembled Sunday evening to rehearse our arrangement of "The Star-Spangled Banner." We felt that it sounded nice enough, so last night we went down to the Platinum Recordings studio to put it onto CD.
This was my first time ever in a real recording studio. Can I just say that this experience was awesome? 'Cause it was. I was amazed at how the microphones picked up every little sound any one of us made, even small movements. Something I have sung is actually now on a CD. If you treat me extra nice, I might even make or send you a copy of it.
The one thing left that our CD needed was a group name. We didn't want anything as scandalous as Morbidly Obese nor as ho-hum as Steve Plowman's Group. Well, I suggested Beck Street Boys, as we are (sort of) a boy band and mostly all live near or use Beck Street frequently. Naturally, I was shot down.
Collectively, we discussed several other options. Finally, Steve played the dictator card and chose Passion Buckets. So be it.
Our tryout is this Friday morning at EnergySolutions Arena. Wish us luck! Or, at least, bring us brownies to snack on.