Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Epistle Strikes Back!

By now, I'm sure that most of you have figured out that my last post was merely my attempt at making an April Fool's Day joke. The Epistle of Jon hasn't shut down, obviously, because here you are reading it. I still have a blog.

That's right; nobody is suing me - that I know of. If I go into a courtroom this year, it will be when and if that jury summons actually does come through (knock on wood).

During the past few days, a few people approached me in person and asked me if the rumor was true; to play along, I told them that it was and that I was in the process of pursuing legal advice on how to act. I am grateful for their concern, and I hope that they will forgive me.

Over the years, I haven't been the kind of person who has attempted many April Fool's jokes, and I don't really consider myself to be a prankster. A few years ago, though, I did rather enjoy taking part in one joke at my workplace, posing as an employee of the Honor Code office at BYU. I left a message with one of my co-worker's roommates that my co-worker needed to call the Honor Code office for investigation into a rules violation and possible suspension from school, and she bought it, hook, line, and sinker. I have also been the butt of an April Fool's joke, having been quoted in The Daily Utah Chronicle (the U. of U. student paper) for something I didn't actually say.

Only at the U. could they get away with libel. Good times!

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