On Christmas Eve, we first went for some sledding on the big hill next door at Hannah Holbrook Elementary. That was followed by a very nice Christmas dinner, which rivaled our Thanksgiving in size and scope.
Biz wrote and put together a fun Christmas pageant, with pretty much everyone getting the chance to either narrate or act out different parts of the story.

Two-month-old Kira, being the youngest member of the family present, probably had every right to play the baby Jesus. Instead, she chose to be held by her mom.

Eight-month-old Jackson got that part in her place:

Kylee, who has already been rehearsing to play a Munchkin/monkey in The Wizard of Oz, played an angel:

Dallin and Xena portrayed a couple of animals in the manger (at least, I think that's what Dallin is doing here):

Jenna and Luke were, respectively, cast as an angel and a shepherd.

Mike, Dallin, and I portrayed the three wise men. (No, I don't think we were typecast, per se.)

Steve accompanied us on the piano as we sang some Christmas hymns.

Adding a new dimension to the holiday this year, we had a family talent show after the pageant. Ben participated by playing "Orange Blossom Special" on his violin:

Kylee, Jenna, and Kenna sang some songs of their own. Mike, Ben, Dallin, and I also performed a couple of skits that Mike had previously taught to his Cub Scouts.
After that, everyone got to open the gift(s) given to them through the name-in-the-hat exchange. Jackson was looking great in his new Batman PJs:

Dave's family and Biz and Jeff returned to their homes, but Mike, Jana, and their kids slept over for Christmas. The kids looked up Santa's location on the Internet - he was in Canada at the time - and quickly went to bed. The rest of us fell asleep watching The Muppet Christmas Carol, a family favorite.
Christmas Day itself was loads of fun. The kids had us up by 6:45 a.m. to open presents, and watching them enthusiastically rip through wrapping paper and discover their gifts was the highlight of the day. I was especially grateful when Kenna squealed with delight when she saw the DVD I bought for her family, The Chipmunk Adventure, and ran over to give me a big hug.
Moments like that kinda make your day.
Wherever you were, or however you spent your holiday, I hope that you, too, were surrounded by loved ones.
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