No more lives torn apart,I wholeheartedly echo those sentiments.
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.
Everyone would have a friend,
That right would always win,
And love would never end -
This is my grown-up Christmas list.
I don't have a whole lot on my Christmas wish list this year. I'm pretty much happy with whatever anyone chooses to give me. As I write this on Christmas Eve, I have a few other items on my own grown-up Christmas list (assuming I were a grown-up, that is):
- A world not-yet-gone-to-pot for my seven nieces and nephews
- Independence from worry, doubt, and fear
- Some of Lucy Pevensie's miracle-cure firefly juice for all of the injured players on the Jazz roster
- A blonde to share a sleigh ride with. Or a nice redhead. A brunette would be great, too. Most any girl with a pulse will do, really. (I may as well ask for one for my brother Steve while I'm at it.)

- For BYU Cougar QB Max Hall not to fumble nor to have his Christmas gifts intercepted when he passes them out tomorrow
- To wake up Christmas morning and find my car's brakes replaced

- To just once be able to beat Biz in "Scramble"
- A nice mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich
I hope it's not too much to ask. We can always dream, right?
What's on your Christmas list this year? Assuming you reply on or after Christmas, did you get it? Pres. Monson also once asked an important question: "What did you give for Christmas this year?"
As Tiny Tim would say: God bless us, everyone.
1 comment:
Courage my dear friend. Last I checked there are many girls in the ward, pulses included at no charge!
Agreed, it is truly the gifts we give that make Christmas. Even better when they are annonymous :)
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