My day did not get off to a great start. Already feeling a sore throat coming on last night, I felt it even more so when I woke up this morning. I felt terrible, and I was convinced that I had strep throat. So, my doctor squeezed me in for an appointment.
The strep test was negative. I was told that I probably have a viral infection and that I should ride out the storm at home with Vitamin C, Tylenol, and by drinking lots of water. Before going home to rest, I had one other errand to run. I needed to to put a small package in the mail at the post office.
That's when I met Batman. I don't mean Christian Bale or Adam West, but Batman himself. This particular Batman must have been four or five years old and did not wear a mask, but he did have on a dark blue cape. He ran up to me as soon as I walked through the doors.

Who was I to argue? He said he was Batman, and I believed him.
"You sure look like him," I replied.
Batman was accompanied at the post office on this day by his grandfather, who may have been there as Batman's guardian and butler, Alfred, for all I know.
As I waited in line, Batman, with great energy, ran around the post office, flapping his cape and greeting everyone he saw with the same line: "It's me, Batman!"
Funny thing is, that was me at about the same age. I don't remember too much about what life was like when I was four or five. But I do remember (mainly due to my mother reminding me about it) that I frequently dressed up in my Superman costume and wore it around the house, all over the neighborhood, at the grocery store - everywhere but church. Fortunately, I didn't do anything too stupid, like thinking that I could fly and then jumping off of the roof.
Batman didn't cure my sore throat. But he reminded me of a cherished part of my childhood I sometimes forget about. He got me excited for Halloween, which is really one of the few times each year that most of us unabashedly get back in touch with that inner child.
When we have . . . become as a child in our capacity to love and obey, we are on the sure foundation.Batman also made me smile, which was something I didn't think I was going to be able to do today. And that made me feel a bit better.
-President Henry B. Eyring
You rescued me when I needed it, Batman. And that makes you a true hero.
Gargle with warm water with lots of salt in it. If it's bacterial or viral salt will take care of it. Neither bacterial or viral infections like salt.
The prime purpose of being four is to enjoy being four - of secondary importance is to prepare for being five. ~Jim Trelease
Thanks, Jamie. I will give it a try.
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