Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Autograph Hounds

Earlier today, I ate lunch at a fast food place that I used to work at years ago when I was a teenager. Every so often, I will visit this establishment to relive old times (notice that I did not write good times.) The name of the place is not important; suffice me to say that it rhymes with "Flurger Hing."

As I was in the middle of eating my Whopper sandwich, a couple of (I would have to guess) 15- or 16-year-old girls came up to me. One of them said: We (giggle, giggle) love you in Improvables, and we (giggle, giggle) were wondering if we could (giggle) have your autograph (giggle, giggle).

She then handed me a pen and a Burger King napkin. Not having a whole lot of experience signing autographs - in other words, none - I wasn't really sure how or in what style to sign my name. But I did the best I could to give them their autograph, thanked them, and they then walked away with their napkin, giggling.

The thing is, I don't think I could remember ever having seen those girls before at any of our Improvables shows. After each performance, we make it a point to meet and greet the people in the audience, and I was drawing a blank as to the identity of my two autograph hounds. But it did not matter. It was one of those experiences that made my day, if not my week.

It's nice to know once in a while that people appreciate you, ya know?


Becca said...

Jon, you're famous! I'm going to tell people that I "knew you when..."

Julianne said...

that is awesome!