Earlier today, there was a football game on TV. Perhaps you heard about it, or maybe you even watched it yourself.
Anyhoo, the family gathered for this annual event up at Mike and Jana's home in Layton and also to enjoy a good Sunday dinner together, with Mike serving up hamburgers from the grill.
After taking the following photo, I told Biz that I thought her glasses made her look like Amy Farrah Fowler from "The Big Bang Theory." You be the judge:
If you agree with me on this, and she should happen to find out about it, please be forewarned that she may punch you in the arm.
Speaking of which, at another point during the day, I had my camera out when Jackson randomly came up to me and proceeded to punch me repeatedly in the stomach. Here's more or less what it looked like:
Later, I took this picture of the two three-year-olds, Jackson and his cousin Kira, as they ate dinner together:
Jackson lifted up his right hand, almost as if to say: "No pictures, please. Remember what happened the last time you messed with me, buddy?"
I couldn't make up this stuff if I tried.
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