The Plowman family party that began Saturday afternoon with McKenna's baptism continued on into the evening, when most of us, including Scott and Claudia and their kids, assembled at Mike and Jana's home in Layton for barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs and pizza and to celebrate Independence Day together - albeit a couple of days early.
At the onset of the evening, Dallin, McKenna and friends put on a show for us in the basement theater, presenting three short skits that they titled “The Three Little Hamsters,” “Leech Forest,” and “Li’l Rapping Riding Hood.”

Summer was pulled up on stage to join the girls in an impromptu musical number, but she rolled right along with it.

Jackson also sang some sort of song for us on his microphone. It was tough to make out exactly what song it was, but then again, he's only three years old, and we can cut him some slack.

Following dinner, most everyone gathered on the front lawn for several rounds of "Cuub," our favorite family summertime game.

If you haven't played "Cuub" with us, well, you'll just have to witness it in person and/or join in with us the next time we play.
Jackson, in the meantime, continued to entertain the masses, this time with his tennis racket-handling abilities.

By this time, the sun began to set, and that brought out the fireworks, complete with the nutty pyromaniac in both young and old.

This family event also marks the last time we'll see our cousin Eden for two years. On the 13th, he'll enter the MTC and will begin to prepare for his mission to Quito, Ecuador. As Mike observed, he's about as prepared as a missionary can get, and we look forward to hearing about his experiences through his e-mail/letters.
Happy birthday, America.
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