There sure do grow up fast, don't they?
At Scott and Clauida's invitation, most of the Plowmans headed down to Lehi after church to take part in this event, as did Jamie (Scott's brother) and Julie's clan.
Eden, former Utah state high school filmmaking champ, is now in his first semester at BYU. He was his typical “aww, shucks” self and seemed humbled and grateful to have so many family members and friends show up to support him.
There was plenty of good food, including hot dogs cooked by Scott, to go around.

I was content mainly to hang out and get caught up with Jamie's and Scott's families and their many comings and goings, as well as with Claudia's parents, Tony and Margarita, who are always more than happy to help me practice my Spanish.

A brief, tense moment occurred when my two-year-old nephew Jackson, while exploring Scott and Claudia's large backyard, climbed up onto the swimming pool covering and immediately sank down into the pool. Several people rushed over to help, and fortunately Madison was standing right there and quickly fetched him out and back onto dry land again.

As a consolation prize, he got to wear a much-too-large for him t-shirt, pictured above, while his clothes cycled through the dryer.
Good times were had by all.
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