Yesterday, 'twas International Talk like a Pirate Day. (Of course ye know this - 'tis so popular with the land lubbers an' all by now.) 'Tis true that at me writin' desk I be a bit too late to post on th' actual holiday, but, by thunder, I tried to celebrate this day in me own way.

On Saturday, the pirate classic Treasure Island arrived by postal carrier from the good mateys at Netflix. 'Twas me first time watchin' this pirate classic, featurin' Talk like a Pirate patron saint Robert Newton in the stereotypical pirate role o' Long John Silver.
It bein' Sunday on th' actual holiday, I nearly convinced meself to wear an eye patch or a parrot on me shoulder t' church, but as I was headin' out th' door, better sense prevailed. Still, I fell into pirate talk with family an' friends throughout the day and also threatened to make random strangers walk the plank if they acted like scurvy lads an' lasses. (Ye got a better idea?)
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