My day began as I accomplished the bone-headed move of catching my own foot in a door as I was closing it. There is now a big bruise on the side of my foot to mark the spot.
Work was not all that enjoyable for me, either, as I am now in the middle of the tedious process of revisiting and rewriting, and it is quite often a frustrating thing to have to do.

In the evening, I headed over to FHE at the ward house to join in on a few games of dodgeball. My team got creamed in every match I played in. As I was attempting to move out of the way of a ball that was thrown in my direction, I lost my balance and fell backward, landing awkwardly on my right wrist. I'm no doctor, but it feels like it might be sprained. I'm going to have it X-rayed to be sure.
With my mounting list of injuries - I am still doing the physical therapy thing, too, by the way - "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" doesn't feel like a song but, instead, a list of all of the places that are sore.
Not long after I walked off of the court, my friend Gary became light headed and passed out. It seems that I was not the only one to feel the effects of dodgeball. Fortunately, the Bishop, who is a doctor by profession, was there to help Gary back onto his feet.
After my last game, I went over to the kitchen to grab a piece of pizza. Surely nothing bad could happen to me here! But, as it turns out, I was definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time. The girl I dated not all that long ago - the one who is now getting married to another guy - walked in with some urgent wedding planning business and chose to speak about it to the member of the bishopric I happened to be standing right next to.
If I ever wished to be have the ability to disappear on the spot, this was surely the time for it.
After the interesting events at FHE, I came home to put some ice on my wrist. At the moment, half of my family has caught whatever bug it is that's going around. I started to feel light headed myself and am now wondering if I'm coming down with the same thing.
Sigh. These are the days you wish your bed was already made.
sounds like one of those days your glad when you wake up in the morning with a fresh start.
Sorry you had such a crappy day. I hope the rest of your week has gone better!
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