Just in case you didn't learn enough about me on the first list, here is another list of 25 additional random things - because one list is just never enough. (Also, at the moment, I'm fresh out of ideas for new posts.) So, here are numbers 26 through 50.
26. I am fluent in Spanish and can get by conversationally in French. (I once had a nice chat with a taxi driver in Paris.)
27. I also took a semester of American Sign Language in college, though I have now forgotten most everything I learned.
28. Someday, I would like to visit New Zealand and hike the trail to Mordor.
29. I once won $55 in a raffle, but I couldn't claim the prize money because I wrote the name Doug Mulligan, instead of my real name, on the ticket. Big mistake.
30. At age 14, I suffered a concussion as a result of playing a game of "Kick the Can."
31. I have had articles published in three different magazines, including the Ensign.
32. I once pretended to be the home teacher of a new girl in the ward so that I could get her phone number.
33. When I worked at Burger King as a teenager, the sewer system, unfortunately, once backed up and splattered all over me.
34. In college, I took five semesters of ballroom dance, two semesters of bowling, and one semester of ultimate Frisbee. I count those classes among some of the best education I've ever received.
35. I did not have the courage to ride the Colossus rollercoaster at Lagoon until I was 13. I enjoyed that first ride so much that I rode it five more times after that.
36. I have sailed through parts of the Caribbean, including some shark-infested waters. The song "Caribbean Blue" by Enya always reminds me of it.
37. When I was 12, I worked a few Utah Jazz games at the Salt Lake Palace - which was where the Jazz played before the Delta Center/EnergySolutions Arena was built - selling popcorn and soda. One man gave me a $20 tip, which, at the time, felt more like $500.
38. I'm not ashamed to admit that movies often make me cry. Some of the movies that have made me cry include: The Testaments of One Fold and One Shepherd; Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; Shadowlands; The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers; Black Hawk Down; Saints and Soldiers; Brigham City; Anna and the King; The Ultimate Gift; and Steel Magnolias.
39. I have read the Bible from cover to cover twice. I would recommend skipping a lot of those chapters in Leviticus and all of the Song of Solomon.
40. Only last Christmas was I finally able to help build a gingerbread house that did not topple to the ground.
41. I was born in Michigan and have also lived in Nebraska, but I have no memory of either place.
42. I played the trumpet in junior high school but was never very good at it.
43. I have eaten a guinea pig. It tasted like chicken. (In the Andes, guinea pigs are considered to be a delicacy. Don't ask me why.)
44. One of my goals is to become a contestant on either "Jeopardy!" or "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
45. When I visited Chile, I was hit in the elbow by a passing car. As a result, one of the car's side-view mirrors broke off.
46. One of my personality flaws is that I can sometimes go off like a broken record (e.g., "Normal view! Normal view!").
47. When I was growing up, a friend and I actually poured salt on a snail. No, I'm not proud of it.
48. In high school, I was a big procrastinator. I would often delay reading assigned books in my English classes until the night before we were tested on them, and I would stay up all night reading them from start to finish.
49. On a dare, I once ate a bowl of sauerkraut and chili. Trust me; it's not a good combination.
50. I am a sucker for Southern accents, dimples, blue eyes, girls who wear the color red and/or bring me cheesecake, slow dancing, and hugs.
Where in Michigan, and does your social security number start with a 3?
Yes! And what are the following 8 digits of your social security number? :)
I was born in Ypsilanti. No, my SSN does not begin with a 3.
Too bad about the soc. - everyone knows that only threes will be spared during the great conflagration and harvest when the mighty grey and slimy ones from the sky return to restore earth's central operating system to its previous functional parameters.
I was born near Detroit - my aunt lives on the river in Marine City. You can see a picture of the breakwall on my blog page.
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