I have always had a hard time keeping up with technology.
My family didn't get a computer until my senior year of high school. Until then, I had to go to my friends' houses or stay after school to print out papers. I got my first CD burner only a few years ago thanks to my good friend, Pepe.
I didn't get my first cassette tape player until I was 11. (Good times, those.) And, after that, I didn't get my first CD player until the mid-'90s.
When I came home from my mission, everybody had and used the Internet. (It was completely non-existent before. Of course, I had been living in the third world for two years, so everything old seemed new again.)
I was the last person in my family to get a cell phone and, even then, it is one of the oldest models you can get.
Now that everybody and his dog has their own blog - yes, I have actually seen blog sites belonging to pets - I suppose it is time for me to give it a try.
Well, here goes.
I LOVE IT! I am so excited that you decided to jump on the bandwagon, you will like it! It's fun!
A few comments:
1. Does Pepe have his own theme music? (reference: Muppets)
2. This is AWESOME.
3. Here's a little tip: Add pictures. People like that.
Happy blogging!
Good luck, I struggle with blogging because I always have something better to do...
Welcome to the blogging world. I'm sure being the creative writer that you are that your blog will be loaded with context that keep people engaged for hours on end.
I think you should post some of your You Tube video's to get started.
Congratulations on the blog, Paco! This looks pretty cool! I may be a computer tech (AKA "Nerd"), but there are a few things that are wildly popular in which I have only either mildly participated or not participated at all. These include cell phone texting and Internet blogging. I'm not very good at texting and I've never created a blog. You've "beat me to the punch" on that one--blogging. I can at least say I've created a web site, but this was years ago and the site no longer exists. Maybe when I get some more time (after my CD comes out) I'll create a blog. Hmmm....
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