Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 318: The Action Hero's Handbook

Following tonight's Improvables workshop/tryouts - which were awesome, by the way - Rickey stopped me to show me a book he recently found at a store for just 50 cents:

It includes advice on such things as surviving an explosion and administering the Vulcan neck pinch.

Two thoughts: (1) I can't believe McGyver didn't write it, and (2) I want one.


Lori said...

I actually own the heroine version of this same book! Classic stuff. Did you also know that there's a book called, "What would MacGuyver Do?" It's some entertaining stories of real life people jimmy-riggins things in such a way as to warrant being called a MacGuyver. That book sells for as little as a penny on Amazon if you don't mind a used copy.

Jonathan Plowman said...

I'll take a look at it. Thanks for the heads-up.