Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Soul of Wit - or the Pursuit Thereof

Over the weekend, I chatted with a friend, and the subject turned to blogging. She mentioned that she had not yet read my blog but that she had heard that I always wrote "extremely long posts." And that's all.

Thanks for that.

I respectfully disagree.


K2 said...

You do not write long posts. I've seen much longer. I like reading your posts because they are well thought out and written well.

Nancy Roche said...

The length of a post is always relative to the attention span of the reader.
Is it also possible that the pursuit of brevity resembles a long walk off a short pier?
"I'll bite. Let's see who rusts first." -The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

AA said...

I like your posts.

bookladydavina said...

i always find your posts just as long as they need to be.. not a lot of empty filler, just enough to get your point across..