Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bacon Sundae

Two of my all-time favorite foods have now been combined into one. That's right, folks; there is now such a thing as a bacon sundae! And it tastes better than it sounds.

I discovered this last night when members of the Improvables made our post-Saturday night performance visit to the local Denny's in Layton. A bacon sundae is, in fact, just one of many bacon-related items on their special bacon menu, which also included bacon with ice cream and a brownie, as well as a bacon milkshake.

Keenan gave the bacon milkshake a try, and Rickey could only react (in horror? disgust? silent awe?):

As for me, I found the bacon sundae (with a maple syrup-y type caramel sauce) to be magically delicious.

And, so, today I just wanted to document this momentous discovery so that future generations could look back and be jealous of one of the groundbreaking discoveries and delicacies of our day.

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