As November comes to a close and we move on to the final month of 2012 and of Project 366, today I present one final image from last week's family Thanksgiving shindig (which, like yesterday's, merited yet another face palm for my having forgotten to post it earlier).
Kira makes a very cute olive-fingered girl.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Day 334: Thanksgiving Puppet Show with the Nennas
One of the highlights of last week's family Thanksgiving get-together was a puppet show put together by my nine-year-old nieces Jenna and McKenna, aka the Nennas, aka the identical cousins.
I meant to post the photo a few days ago, and upon reviewing my cache today, I did a complete face palm and made a mental note to put it up for today's post.
So, here is the photo.
Incidentally, it was the world's most entertaining puppet show, but as their uncle, I'm biased like that. A lot.
I meant to post the photo a few days ago, and upon reviewing my cache today, I did a complete face palm and made a mental note to put it up for today's post.
So, here is the photo.
Incidentally, it was the world's most entertaining puppet show, but as their uncle, I'm biased like that. A lot.
Project 366,
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Day 333: My Dinner with Luke 2012
It's my soon-to-be-seven-year-old nephew Luke's birthday tomorrow, so tonight I took him out to dinner for our annual b-day tradition. Having heard that Burger King had been having a Super Mario toy promotion, that's exactly where he chose for us to go.
The only problem with this strategy was that Burger King, once we arrived, was not only completely out of Mario toys but also clean out of boys' toys in general. Luke was somewhat surprised, to say the least, to find a girl's toy (a headband with a shark fin attachment - yes, really) when he opened up his kid's meal:
Nevertheless, the BK staff was very apologetic on the matter, and I ended up taking him to the store to pick out a LEGO toy to make up for the mix-up.
The only problem with this strategy was that Burger King, once we arrived, was not only completely out of Mario toys but also clean out of boys' toys in general. Luke was somewhat surprised, to say the least, to find a girl's toy (a headband with a shark fin attachment - yes, really) when he opened up his kid's meal:
Nevertheless, the BK staff was very apologetic on the matter, and I ended up taking him to the store to pick out a LEGO toy to make up for the mix-up.
Project 366,
video games
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Day 332: Gift Packaging
So, everything's wrapped up in a nice little package?
Sorry if that sounded sarcastic.
Mostly my family members and/or any "Simpsons" fans out there will understand the reference. Yep, Christmas shopping and wrapping is all done already. Are you on my "nice" list?
Sorry if that sounded sarcastic.
Mostly my family members and/or any "Simpsons" fans out there will understand the reference. Yep, Christmas shopping and wrapping is all done already. Are you on my "nice" list?
Day 331: Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas
The Christmas lights are now up on the house, and I gotta say that they look very nice indeed.
Jackson agrees with me.
Jackson agrees with me.
Project 366
Monday, November 26, 2012
Day 330: Black Friday with the Improvables
Today's photo is actually one I took following Friday night's Improvables performance, using my friend Liz Jones's camera. She was in attendance (obviously) along with a group of our friends from mid-singles institute and ended up being the audience volunteer for "Audience Sound Effects." Afterward, she posed for this group picture with the night's cast;
As you can see in the photo, Parker is doing his predictable not-making-eye-contact-with-the-camera pose.
Theater people. What can you do?
As you can see in the photo, Parker is doing his predictable not-making-eye-contact-with-the-camera pose.
Theater people. What can you do?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Day 329: Luke's Early Seventh Birthday Party
It will be my nephew Luke's seventh birthday next Thursday, the 29th, and we took advantage of the family having gathered for Thanksgiving this past Thursday to mark the additional event at the same time. We sang him "Happy Birthday," served a cake, and gave him a number of gifts, including this LEGO Star Wars set:
Though he looks rather nonplussed in the photo, he really was excited to get it. Chalk it up to that post-Thanksgiving meal sleepy-time feeling, I suppose.
Though he looks rather nonplussed in the photo, he really was excited to get it. Chalk it up to that post-Thanksgiving meal sleepy-time feeling, I suppose.
Project 366,
Star Wars,
Day 328: Pie in Face
It's not all-that uncommon at family gatherings for me to find Jeff picking on Kylee, and such was the case following yesterday's Thanksgiving meal, when I caught him attempting to smash her face into this chocolate pie:
Her nose got a good deal of cream on it, and that's about it. I guess there are plenty of worse things to have put on your nose. Like, for example, zits.
Her nose got a good deal of cream on it, and that's about it. I guess there are plenty of worse things to have put on your nose. Like, for example, zits.
Project 366,
Friday, November 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Day 326: Super Banana Split
Tonight's weekly jaunt out to eat following mid-singles institute class was a trip over to friendly neighborhood restaurant Dee's, and I was accompanied this time by Cathy, Gary, and Julie.
As our orders began to arrive, Gary was somewhat floored by the size of the arrival of the super banana split, which has, of late, become one of my favorites. He joked that we should take his picture with it, and, as I'm always carrying my camera around for Project 366, I was more than happy to snap the above shot of him holding the delicious dessert.
As our orders began to arrive, Gary was somewhat floored by the size of the arrival of the super banana split, which has, of late, become one of my favorites. He joked that we should take his picture with it, and, as I'm always carrying my camera around for Project 366, I was more than happy to snap the above shot of him holding the delicious dessert.
ice cream,
mid-singles Institute,
Project 366
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Day 325: Learner's Permit
The day that her parents, as well as the rest of the family, have been both waiting for and fearing is nearly upon us. That's right: Kylee today received her study manual for the test for her learner's permit. She turns 15 years old in a month, and apparently that is the age at which you can legally obtain your permit here in the state of Utah.
They sure do grow up fast, don't they?
Funny thing . . . I don't remember having the option of obtaining a learner's permit when I was 15 years old.
They sure do grow up fast, don't they?
Funny thing . . . I don't remember having the option of obtaining a learner's permit when I was 15 years old.
Project 366
Day 324: Whirling Dervish
For tonight's FHE, Mike, Jana, and the kids invited me to join in with them in watching Madagascar 3, which we all really enjoyed.
The fun wasn't over yet, though, as McKenna picked up Jackson and proceeded to spin him around the room until he was competely dizzy.
The fun wasn't over yet, though, as McKenna picked up Jackson and proceeded to spin him around the room until he was competely dizzy.
Project 366,
Day 323: LEGO Lord of the Rings
A belated birthday gift (thanks to three of my siblings) arrived last week when I picked up the newest LEGO video game, LEGO Lord of the Rings. If you have been paying attention to my posts here on Disconcertingly Choppy, then you already know that I am a big LEGO video game nerd, and this was the perfect gift for me.
Of course, I haven't been breaking in the game alone. Kylee, Dallin, and Jackson have each been taking turns helping me play it.
Of course, I haven't been breaking in the game alone. Kylee, Dallin, and Jackson have each been taking turns helping me play it.
Lord of the Rings,
Project 366,
video games
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Day 322: Lookin' on the Other Side of My Front Door
I realize that most of my photos this week have been of inanimate objects rather than people. Sorry about that. It's a trend I don't plan to continue for long. I also am battling a chest cold right now and haven't really been getting outside for the past few days.
At any rate, today's post is of a sign that was recently hung up on the inside side of the front door. I like it a lot.
At any rate, today's post is of a sign that was recently hung up on the inside side of the front door. I like it a lot.
Day 321: Red Light, Green Light
For the month of October, a red light bulb hung over the front porch, and it certainly cast a foreboding glow for many nights during the Halloween season.
That red light has now become a green light, just in time for the holidays.
That red light has now become a green light, just in time for the holidays.
Project 366
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Day 320: Pumpkin Pie Pop-Tarts
I found these at the store today:
Combining two of my favorite foods into one, Pumpkin Pie Pop-Tarts are now a bona fide reality! *Happy dance*
Combining two of my favorite foods into one, Pumpkin Pie Pop-Tarts are now a bona fide reality! *Happy dance*
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Day 319: Giant Attack Dog
In the middle of the night last night, I got up to visit the bathroom - you know, like you do - and saw this . . . thing in the darkness that I'll admit terrified me somewhat upon first glance:
I come to find out today that it's just a stuffed animal that was left lying in the hallway by my 12-year-old roommate.
I come to find out today that it's just a stuffed animal that was left lying in the hallway by my 12-year-old roommate.
Project 366,
Day 318: The Action Hero's Handbook
Following tonight's Improvables workshop/tryouts - which were awesome, by the way - Rickey stopped me to show me a book he recently found at a store for just 50 cents:
It includes advice on such things as surviving an explosion and administering the Vulcan neck pinch.
Two thoughts: (1) I can't believe McGyver didn't write it, and (2) I want one.
It includes advice on such things as surviving an explosion and administering the Vulcan neck pinch.
Two thoughts: (1) I can't believe McGyver didn't write it, and (2) I want one.
Project 366,
Monday, November 12, 2012
Day 317: Future Guitar Hero
In another candid shot from yesterday's bi-monthly family dinner, I came upon Jackson, just when he thought no one was looking or listening, attempting to strum out a tune on Ben's guitar.
I suppose we'll start him out on Guitar Hero and then work our way up from there.
I suppose we'll start him out on Guitar Hero and then work our way up from there.
Project 366,
video games
Day 316: Pinned Ya' Again!
One of my favorite images from tonight's bi-monthly family dinner is this shot of Jeff pinning Dallin under Ben's and Adi's beanbag:
There's never a dull moment.
There's never a dull moment.
Project 366,
Day 315: Lookin' Out My Front Door
Yep, it sure snowed a lot last night. Definitely a lot of snow.
That white stuff that you see? It's snow.
That white stuff that you see? It's snow.
Day 314: The Bald and the Beautiful 2012
A few years ago, my nephew Dallin and several of his classmates (the boys, anyway) shaved their heads in a show of support of another classmate who was going through chemotherapy and, as a result, was losing her hair.
Yesterday, Dallin shaved his head again - this time, to show support for a member of his Boy Scout troop who is, likewise, going through chemotherapy. It's just one simple act that shows what a good kid my nephew is at heart.
Also, he and I have really cool matching haircuts now.
Yesterday, Dallin shaved his head again - this time, to show support for a member of his Boy Scout troop who is, likewise, going through chemotherapy. It's just one simple act that shows what a good kid my nephew is at heart.
Also, he and I have really cool matching haircuts now.
Project 366
Day 313: October Birthday Boys at the Nickelcade
Ben, Steve, and I, the family's October birthday boys, journeyed out to one of our favorite hangouts, the Nickelcade in Taylorsville, for some good-old-fashioned video gaming tonight as a sort of belated birthday party. They were both good enough to have also attended my b-day party at the Karaoke Cafe last month, and I was more than happy to return the favor.
Steve came prepared with a jar full of change, which he spent a good deal of time sorting out on the countertop by the register:
Once we got that straightened out, we spent a few hours playing some old favorites, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, which the three of us played from start to finish.
Steve and I also played several rounds of Skee-Ball, which won us enough tickets to redeem for a handful of candy to enjoy on the car ride home.
Steve came prepared with a jar full of change, which he spent a good deal of time sorting out on the countertop by the register:
Once we got that straightened out, we spent a few hours playing some old favorites, including Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, which the three of us played from start to finish.
Steve and I also played several rounds of Skee-Ball, which won us enough tickets to redeem for a handful of candy to enjoy on the car ride home.
Project 366,
video games
Day 312: Harold B. Lee on Hope and Patriotism
Sigh . . . Is this what Michelle Obama felt like during all of those years that she was not proud of her country?
Like many of you, I'm severely disappointed by the results of yesterday's presidential election. I believe Barack Obama not only to be the worst president in our country's history but also a true threat to the Constitution, which I believe was inspired by our Father in Heaven.
Nevertheless, I love my country, and I believe there are yet many good people in it who will take a stand and will fight for those principles that will get us back on track as a nation. My sister shared some very inspired words today, uttered nearly 40 years ago by President Harold B. Lee. I draw a great deal of comfort from them, and I hope that they help you, too.
Thanks, Biz.
(Excerpts from a talk given at Ricks College Devotional Assembly, "Have Faith in America ," October 26, 1973, and printed in two sources: Ye Are the Light of the World: Selected Sermons and Writings of Harold B. Lee, 340, 350-351, and The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, edited by Clyde J. Williams, 365-366.)

Nevertheless, I love my country, and I believe there are yet many good people in it who will take a stand and will fight for those principles that will get us back on track as a nation. My sister shared some very inspired words today, uttered nearly 40 years ago by President Harold B. Lee. I draw a great deal of comfort from them, and I hope that they help you, too.
Men may fail in this country, earthquakes may come, seas may heave beyond their bounds, there may be great drought, disaster, and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail.
This is the cradle of humanity, where life on this earth began in the Garden of Eden. This is the place of the New Jerusalem. . . . This is the place where the Savior will come to His temple.
We are living in a time of great crisis. The country is torn with scandal and with criticism, with faultfinding and condemnation. There are those who have downgraded the image of this nation as probably never before in the history of the country.
I plead with you not to preach pessimism. Preach that this is the greatest country in all the world. . . . It is the nation that will stand despite whatever trials or crises it may yet have to pass through.
We must be on the optimistic side. This is a great nation; this is a great country; this is the most favored of all lands. While it is true that there are dangers and difficulties that lie ahead of us, we must not assume that we are going to stand by and watch the country go to ruin. We should not be heard to predict ills and calamities for the nation. On the contrary, we should be providing optimistic support for the nation.
You must remember . . . that this church is one of the most powerful agencies for the progress of the world, and we should . . . all sound with one voice. We must tell the world how we feel about this land and this nation and should bear our testimonies about the great mission and destiny that it has.
If we do this, we will help turn the tide of this great country and lessen the influence of the pessimists. We must be careful that we do not say or do anything that will further weaken the country. It is the
negative, pessimistic comments about the nation that do as much harm as anything to the country today. We who carry these sacred responsibilities must preach the gospel of peace, and peace can only come by overcoming the things of the world. Now, we must be the dynamic force that will help turn the tide of fear and pessimism.
(Excerpts from a talk given at Ricks College Devotional Assembly, "Have Faith in America ," October 26, 1973, and printed in two sources: Ye Are the Light of the World: Selected Sermons and Writings of Harold B. Lee, 340, 350-351, and The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, edited by Clyde J. Williams, 365-366.)
Project 366,
United States
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Day 311: Jackson and the Blow Dryer
Today's photo is actually a short video. Why? Because dunderhead (that's me) had the camera set to the videorecording setting accidentally.
The other day, Grandma and Grandpa (i.e. my parents) and I took Jackson to McDonald's for lunch. While we there, I accompanied him to the bathroom. When he dried off his hands, he had so much joy using the blow dryer - four-year-olds have a tendency to find joy in those little things that we adults have long-since forgotten - that I attempted the photo and instead got the aforementioned video snippet.
The other day, Grandma and Grandpa (i.e. my parents) and I took Jackson to McDonald's for lunch. While we there, I accompanied him to the bathroom. When he dried off his hands, he had so much joy using the blow dryer - four-year-olds have a tendency to find joy in those little things that we adults have long-since forgotten - that I attempted the photo and instead got the aforementioned video snippet.
Project 366
Monday, November 5, 2012
Day 310: Mid-Singles Talent Show 2012
The South Davis mid-singles institute class hosted another great FHE tonight, and it was our group's annual talent show. Many talents, though our numbers were few, were on display, including several musical pieces (sung or played), Seth's reading of Robert Frost's "The Road Less Traveled," Melissa's and Robert's rendition of "Who's On First?", and Brian's interpretive dance to Kenny Loggins's "Danger Zone."
Following the conclusion of the talent show, all of the performers gathered for this group photo:
Of course you realize that good times were had by all.
Following the conclusion of the talent show, all of the performers gathered for this group photo:
Of course you realize that good times were had by all.
mid-singles Institute,
Project 366,
talent shows
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Day 309: Bug in a Rug
Never one to avoid a good photo opp, Jackson played around in the living room tonight while I read a book. He spent a good deal of time burrowing through and under the rug, becoming a sort of groundhog or mole in the process.
The living room was somewhat unrecognizable by the end of his adventures, and there was a bit of cleaning up to do. Nevertheless, he managed to keep us entertained through it all.
The living room was somewhat unrecognizable by the end of his adventures, and there was a bit of cleaning up to do. Nevertheless, he managed to keep us entertained through it all.
Day 308: My Dinner with Jackson
I missed out on taking Jackson trick-or-treating Wednesday night to attend the aforementioned Jazz game, and I feel like he was somewhat disappointed by that. So, to try to make up for it, I took my four-year-old nephew to dinner at Burger King Thursday night, which was really a win-win situation, because he got to eat at kid's meal that came with a Super Mario toy, wear a Mario/BK crown:
. . . and play around on the playground, while I got to hang out with a great kid.
Jackson, of course, did the obligatory thing by borrowing my camera and taking this self-portrait:
. . . and play around on the playground, while I got to hang out with a great kid.
Jackson, of course, did the obligatory thing by borrowing my camera and taking this self-portrait:
Project 366,
Utah Jazz,
video games
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Day 307: Ben and the ECTO-1
On Wednesday night, Summer was at home feeling sick, so I got to take the extra ticket and go with Ben, Adi, and Steve to the Utah Jazz home opener against the Dallas Mavericks. We first ate dinner together at Crown Burger before heading over to EnergySolutions Arena.
As we left the parking lot, we discovered that fellow patron had brought his or her old school ambulance, which looked a lot like the Ghostbusters' mode of transportation from the movie of the same name. Ben then posed for the above picture alongiside it.
Incidentally, the new-look Jazz played a fantastic game, beating the Mavericks 113-94.
As we left the parking lot, we discovered that fellow patron had brought his or her old school ambulance, which looked a lot like the Ghostbusters' mode of transportation from the movie of the same name. Ben then posed for the above picture alongiside it.
Incidentally, the new-look Jazz played a fantastic game, beating the Mavericks 113-94.
Project 366,
Utah Jazz
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Day 306: One Last Hurrah for Halloween
The inevitable post-Halloween letdown, which I referred to in yesterday's post, definitely occurred today for me. It's always a bit sad to wake up on November 1 knowing that I won't be able to legitimately dress up in costume in public for at least another 335 or 345 days. Still, I reviewed my cache of photos today and realized there still a few Halloween-related ones that I had yet to post for Project 366 here on Disconcertingly Choppy.
These photos were taken Sunday evening following our bi-monthly family dinner, including Kira showing off her Halloween costume ("pop singer Barbie," according to her):
Jackson, blue lips and all (he was in the process of eating a raspberry sucker), trying reach the toy spider hanging down from the upstairs railing:
. . . and Kenna coming along and treating said spider like a tetherball.
And so, that's about all of the Halloween pics I have for 2012. Fortunately, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just over the horizon.
These photos were taken Sunday evening following our bi-monthly family dinner, including Kira showing off her Halloween costume ("pop singer Barbie," according to her):
Jackson, blue lips and all (he was in the process of eating a raspberry sucker), trying reach the toy spider hanging down from the upstairs railing:
. . . and Kenna coming along and treating said spider like a tetherball.
And so, that's about all of the Halloween pics I have for 2012. Fortunately, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just over the horizon.
Project 366,
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